Maratua Island Activation

Maratua Island Activation IOTA OC-166 & iBOTA Pantai Teluk Harapan (YB/KI-B224)

Very sorry to let everyone knows that on day2, February 26th, 2023 (around 0200UTC) Maratua Island Operation, my Laptop was suddenly death. It was a failure of the system boot SSD which contain my windows 10 operating system. The bad news is my log was still on wsjtx folder directory. I haven’t move it anywwhere beacuse i think i will do it when we finished(1day left), bad decission. I tried many times with all the knowloedges i know to recover the SSD and no luck. I went to a professional technical support in Samarinda as well. Still there’s no way of restoring the SSD, because its an internal chipset/memory damage. Why it takes so long to let you guys know, it was beacuse i have to return home and try everything i could to recover before i decide to buy a new SSD and install a new Operating system. So now, how are we gonna solve this?, i made almost 100 QSO’s Mode Digital (FT8) & Phone SSB. Since i lost the adif file everyone who made contact/QSO with YC5YC/7 please send me detail QSO to my email (Check my qrz Profile) or WhatsApp me on +6288271259888.  I will check if your log is valid as i know my operating time. Thank you for all your support.
















This Activation Sponsored and held by the East Kalimantan DXPortable Amatir Radio. Activation will start on air February 25th – 27th 2023 around 0700z more or less. The Beach sponsored by YB7VAS  OM Agus Suwandy. The Team consist of 12 Amateur Radios, Members of ORARI.  And they will likely be the Activators for iBOTA Pantai Teluk Harapan,

Here they are :

YB7VAS/P – Agus Suwandy, YB7VBD/P – Ichwansyah, YB7YD/P – Dirhamsyah, YB7UK/P – Gusti Fahriansyah, YB7UFO/P – Agus Triyono, YB7WKX/P – Zulkarnain, YC7VBA/P – Riduan, YC7USF/P – Ibram R.F, YD7VHO/P – Darmansyah, YC5YC/7 – Dave, YC7UPZ/P – Yuspi Heriansyah, YC7UDD/P – Arliansyah.

OM Dave – YC5YC/7 & OM Arli YC7UDD/P will activate the Maratua Island IOTA OC-166, Log will be upload to Qrz, Logbook of the world, and Clublog. iQsl will be available after the activation. (6 working days max) Please be patient. Information about the iQsl will be update and available here or YC5YC/7 Qrz Page.

Team will be working Phone and Digital mode (FT8, RTTY, & DIGITALVOICE) on any open amateur band, Mostly 40/20/15/6M Band. We will update depends on what we can carry to the island on the single engine plane (Cessna).

Our fligth schedules will be  February 25th , 2023 around 0800 WITA or 0000z direct to Maratua Airport from Samarinda. Preparation is nearly done and the team are ready to pack and go. Hopely weather will be good during day of activation. This is a mixed Holiday & DXPedition, we will not have a maximum setup we will only have like a wire and multiband vertical antenna on HF so give your best shoot to work us.

DXPortable Amatir Radio for best Chaser :

  1. Free Premium Membership 1 year + 2000 Free Gems 
  2. Free Premium Membership 1 year + 1400 Free Gems 
  3. Free 1000 Gems 

Winner will be announced by the system automatically, any winner who made confirmed QSO with YC5YC/7 & YB7VAS/P during this DXPedition will be awarded with special 1000 free Gems. Please keep checking Contest Leaderboard at iBOTA or any DXPortable websites. Decission is final by the system and DXPortable Amatir Radio Administrator.

See you on the band.


Congratulations 3 best chaser iBOTA Pantai Teluk Harapan (YB/KI-B224) Maratua Island


Free Premium Membership 1year. Worth 200k
2000 Free Gems + Extra 1000 Gems for Qso confirmed with Wanted Callsign YC5YC/7 or YB7VAS worth 300k


Free Premium Membership 1year, worth 200k
1400 Free Gems + Extra 1000 Gems for Qso with Wanted Callsign YC5YC/7 or YB7VAS worth 250k


1000 Free Gems + Extra 1000 Gems for Qso with Wanted Callsign YC5YC/7 or YB7VAS worth 200k

Thanks all 👍


Dave – YC5YC


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